# mysqldump: Got errno 11 on write

The error message mysqldump: Got errno 11 on write specifically refers to an EAGAIN error, which means that the write operation was temporarily blocked and cannot be completed at this time. This can occur if the disk is full, if there are insufficient permissions to write to the disk, or if there is a problem with the file system.

# How to fix it?

To resolve the mysqldump: Got errno 11 on write error, you need to identify the root cause of the problem and take the appropriate steps to fix it.

Here are a few common solutions:

  • Check disk space: Ensure that there is sufficient disk space available to write the backup file. If the disk is full, delete unnecessary files or increase the size of the disk to resolve the issue.
  • Check permissions: Ensure that the user running the mysqldump command has the necessary permissions to write to the specified location. If necessary, change the permissions on the target directory to allow writing.
  • Check the file system: If the issue is related to the file system, check for file system errors and repair any issues that are found. You may also want to consider backing up the data to a different file system to avoid any potential issues.